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Columbus has today published the quarterly report for Q2 2024, which showed satisfactory development in the majority of our business with particular strong progress in our largest business area, Cloud ERP representing 75% of our operations. Group revenue increased by 9% during the period, in line with expectations, and the EBITDA margin ended at 7%. During the quarter, we implemented several efficiency measures in line with our strategic goal to raise the EBITDA margin to 15% by 2026. The full effect of these measures will be seen in Q4 2024. Expectations for 2024 are maintained.

Columbus delivered a strong revenue growth of 9% in Q2 2024, primarily driven by our core business, Cloud ERP. The Danish and UK markets are performing particularly well, and we are also experiencing high demand for our solutions within Data & AI. In line with our strategic focus to raise the EBITDA margin to 15% by the end of 2026, we have implemented efficiency measures this quarter,” says CEO & President, Søren Krogh Knudsen.

Q2 2024 highlights

  • Revenue growth of 9% amounting to DKK 427m (8% growth adjusted for acquisitions and currency).
  • EBITDA amounted to DKK 30m. compared to DKK 18m in Q2 2023.
  • EBITDA margin was 7.0% compared to 4.6% in Q2 2023.
  • Efficiency of 63% in Q2 2024, compared to 66% in Q2 2023.

YTD 2024 highlights

  • Revenue growth of 12% amounting to DKK 871m. 10% growth adjusted for acquisitions and currency.
  • EBITDA amounted to DKK 85m (DKK 65m adjusted for the M3CS legal case in Q1 2024), compared to DKK 57m H1 2023.
  • EBITDA margin was 9.8% compared to 7.3% in H1 2023. Adjusted for the M3CS case in Q1 2024, EBITDA margin was 7.5%.
  • Efficiency of 63% in H1 2024, compared to 65% in H1 2023.

Key figures

key figures Q2 2024_ENG

Outlook 2024 maintained

Based on the development in the first half of 2024, our strong pipeline and order backlog, we maintain our 2024 expectations:

  • Revenue guidance expected to be in the range of 8-10% organic growth
  • EBITDA margin expected to be in the range of 9-10%

Read the full report here: https://ir.columbusglobal.com/news-releases/news-release-details/interim-report-q2-2024

Rekommenderad läsning

"We came off to a good start to the year driven by strong performance in our Cloud ERP business. Our customers’ focus on safeguarding critical business systems is currently reshaping demand, thus underlining the strength of our end-to-end portfolio of services enabling us to match the changing market demands”, says CEO Søren Krogh Knudsen. The first quarter of 2024 marked the beginning of Columbus’ new strategy, “New Heights”. We have been focused on implementing strategic growth initiatives and balancing the different market sentiments.
IT-branschen är traditionellt en manlig bransch. Lena Ridström, vd på Columbus i Sverige, vill gärna ändra på det. Hon har just nominerats till priset Årets yrkeskvinna. Det är ett av de finaste priserna man kan få i den här kategorin, och bland tidigare vinnare kan nämnas Karin Tegmark, Magda Gad, Frida Boisen, Agnes Wold, Gudrun Sjödén och Kronprinsessan Victoria
Madeleine Hoffsten, Partner Development Manager på Microsoft, berättar om samarbetet och hur du som kund får hela paketet, från strategi till implementering och fortsatt utveckling, när du anlitar Columbus. – Columbus har en leveranskapacitet på alla våra moln och workloads, både lokalt och globalt. Det är ganska ovanligt att ett företag kan stötta sina kunder med alla delar i en digital transformation. En kund behöver alltså inte ha en partner för att ta fram en strategi, en annan för implementering och ännu en för efterarbetet. Hos Columbus kan du få hela paketet. Det är ett hängivet företag med muskler att ta sig an stora projekt, säger Madeleine Hoffsten från Microsoft.
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