I think all M3-users would like to be notified when something happens that they really need to act upon. Here is how.
I got a question from one of my customers if there is a possibility to get a message if a supplier invoice gets stuck in the batch entry (APS450). This customer uses M3 13.2, and from that version of M3 it is actually easy to create an alert like that!
In version 13.2 Infor introduced event based alerts. This is a functionality that makes it possible to configure your own application messages. The event hub keeps track of changes in the database, and when your conditions for your alert is met an application message is sent. You can either get the message via mail, in the Inbox widget or look at it in CRS420.
The configuration of the alerts is done in CMS045/047. The main table for APS450 is FAPIBH, and I have set up an event subscription that will check new records in FAPIBH (event operation = create).
In CMS047 I have entered the rule that controls when a message should be sent. In my case I want the message to be sent when a new record with status (SUPA) less than 50 (approved) is created. The message will be sent to my user, ISGAA.
In the message text I have added supplier no, invoice no and status by using the field names (SUNO, SINO, SUPA).
Once the records in CMS045 and CMS047 has been created, the autojob CMS911 needs to be restarted. This can be done using related option 10 and 9 in program MNS051.
When the alert is activated, an application message will be sent every time a supplier invoice is entered in APS450, with a status lower than 50!
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