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Den store utfordringen for bedrifter som tilbyr varer og tjenester i dag er å holde følge med de raske endringene i kundenes atferd. Ny teknologi hjelper deg et stykke på vei, men du må bygge kultur i organisasjonen for å gjennomføre så store endringer som en digital transformasjon ofte er.

Smart og riktig bruk av digital teknologi har bidratt til store endringer i våre kundevaner – vi har tilgang til alt, akkurat når vi trenger det. Forbrukerne forventer relevant og nyttig innhold i riktig format i hvert eneste berøringspunkt på sine kundereiser.

Så, for å holde følge med hva forbrukerne og kundene dine gjør på nett må bedriften omfavne teknologien for å levere brukeropplevelser av ypperste klasse. Men teknologi i seg selv gir ikke fantastiske opplevelser, du må samtidig bygge en intern kultur som håndterer forbrukernes raske endringer i atferden drevet av den digitale utviklingen.

I samarbeid med engelske Business Reporter tar vi et dypdykk i betydningen digital transformasjon har internt i organisasjonen og eksternt hvordan det påvirker kundeopplevelsene.

Noen av temaene vi dekker omfatter:

  • Hvordan håndtere raske endringer – det er en gammel og vedtatt sannhet at det er menneskelig å ikke like endringer. Nettopp derfor bør bedrifter prioritere endringsledelse! Men hva skjer om endringene skjer svært raskt? Vi ser på hva selskapenes neste steg bør være.
  • Utvikling av produktet eller tjenesten til å være “digital first“ – vi utforsker hvorfor det er kritisk med høy digital modenhet i et ecommerce-landskap med svært mange aktører og hard konkurranse.
  • Å skape kundeopplevelser omnikanalt – kundene lager sine egne brukerreiser på tvers av kanaler og berøringspunkter. Vi ser på hvordan det en såkalt omnikanal-strategi kan gjøre det enklere å skape enhetlige bruker- og kundeopplevelser i utvalgte kanaler – både i design og kommunikasjon.
  • Utvikling av den riktige kulturen – når det er digital transformasjon som står på agendaen er det lett kun å legge vekt på teknologien. Men kulturelle endringer og endringsvillighet i bedriften bør stå like høyt på prioriteringslisten som digitale vurderinger. Vi gir bakgrunnen for hvorfor kultur er viktig og betydningen av å ha den riktige kulturen før bedriften gjennomgår store endringer
Customer Journey

Last ned rapporten nå og les mer om disse temaene, pluss:

  • Vi drøfter hva “disruption” egentlig betyr og hvordan bedrifter kan fornye seg i en tid hvor vi er besatte av innovasjon.
  • Bruken av teknologi i risikostyring og hvordan klima, bærekaft og cyber-sikkerhet er faktorer du må ta hensyn til.
  • Hvordan du best kan samle, håndtere og prosessere data med din digitale transformasjonsstrategi.

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While the manufacturing landscape is changing, one thing remains the same – the pressure to grow revenue. Growth requires evolution. Manufacturers must respond and adapt to changes in today’s market, including evolving customer demands, global supply chain shifts and inconsistent new equipment sales. Manufacturers used to build strong businesses by making products, but that’s no longer enough in today’s competitive landscape. Over the last decade, revenue share from new product sales for manufacturers has declined. Additionally, when there is economic uncertainty, capital purchases tend to be restricted, so new equipment orders are slow. One way manufacturers have stabilized business during uncertain times is to grow their aftermarket service business. This service-based operational model is known as servitization and includes the sale and delivery of spare parts, maintenance and other value-added services. With the growth of smart, connected products, manufacturers have new opportunities to offer customers Internet of Things (IoT) software and services in addition to physical products. According to survey results shared in Microsoft’s IoT Manufacturing Spotlight, manufacturers who responded said 33% of their revenue comes from smart products. These products generate data that can then be used for other value-added services. Over the next three years, respondents expect the penetration of smart products to increase to 47%. Servitization gives manufacturers a way to improve performance, enhance resilience and stay in front of customers after the initial product sale with additional services. In addition to increasing revenue, servitization can improve the customer experience, increase customer loyalty and differentiate your company for a competitive advantage. Plus, margins are higher for services than they are for products. Many manufacturers operate in an open-loop system with no ongoing link to customers. As a result, they lose opportunities to provide additional services after the initial product sale. Servitization changes that. With a product life cycle potentially spanning more than 50 years, a servitization business model is appealing to manufacturers to build recurring revenue. Equipment is more complex and technical than ever before, so it’s simply impossible for customers to have the in-house expertise to service equipment effectively. You are perfectly positioned as the manufacturer of their equipment to understand how to operate and repair equipment and guide customers on ways to maximize their investment. Servitization could benefit you if you’re considering ways to optimize your business. With the right cloud ERP, taking the first steps toward a servitization business model is easy.
Recent events have reinforced the importance of managing and maintaining assets for manufacturing organizations. Outside influences, such as rising energy costs, have increased the pressure to manufacture faster, cheaper but also more sustainable products, while at the same time maintaining the quality. With the growing scope of the industry, smart manufacturing provides full visibility of assets, processes, resources, and products. Recent research from IoT Analytics and Microsoft found that early adopters have already rolled out several smart factory use cases, with condition-based maintenance of equipment ranking in the top three use cases currently being adopted by manufacturers. In this blog, we look at the journey towards improving asset performance and the role of digitization in building a factory of the future.
In today’s fast moving landscape, manufacturing operations face several challenges. These include maintaining proper stock levels to meet ongoing customer demand yet not to boost inventory, addressing seasonality sales, ensuring adequate personnel and equipment availability, all of which significantly influence manufacturing decisions. AI technologies such as machine learning and predictive analytics play a crucial role in improving the accuracy of demand forecasting, resulting in increased value generation, heightened customer satisfaction, and sustaining a competitive edge. In this blog, we dive into the significance of demand forecasting in manufacturing, its advantages, the associated challenges, and strategies for overcoming them.
Disruptions to the supply chain have become more common in recent years, whether it’s ongoing geopolitical conflicts, inflationary pressures, the recessionary climate or climate change-related weather events. To thrive in this new landscape, manufacturers must consider ways to revamp their operations. By undergoing supply chain transformation, businesses can create an agile, high-performance supply chain that makes it easier to respond to constantly changing business dynamics and customer expectations, as well as retain a competitive advantage. It's definitely a hot topic in today's market. According to the IoT Analytics report titled 'What CEOs Talked About,' discussions related to generative AI, specifically regarding use cases and applications, saw a notable increase of +129% in Q2 2023. This suggests a growing interest and focus on the practical applications and potential benefits of digital technologies in reconstructing the supply chain.
Like other industries, food & and beverage companies must initiate strategy planning and change management at the very start of bringing their business systems to the cloud. That’s the best way to avoid additional costs, effort, and business interruption. And the trick is to define value with a people mindset.
Organizations are always on the lookout for innovative solutions to improve productivity and operations. Microsoft’s Power Platform has emerged as a game-changer in this regard, helping businesses create custom applications and automate workflows relatively easily. However, to fully capitalize on the Power Platform, careful planning and strategy are essential. In this Q&A blog, we sit down with Tobias Andersson, Senior Advisor Strategy & Change at Columbus, to discuss some of the common challenges organizations face while starting to use the Power Platform and insights on how you can pave the way for successful adoption of the Power Platform.
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