27 okt 2023
Low Code, High Yield: How Microsoft’s Power Platform Powers Up Your Team to Succeed
What are the benefits of Microsoft’s low-code/no-code apps and platforms, and why are they so...
Llewellyn Britz
27 okt 2023
Canvas app vs model-driven app: Differences, benefits and more
The canvas and model-driven apps are two main types of apps Power users can build. Which is better?...
19 okt 2023
How to use the Power Platform to improve operations in food and beverage industry
Discover how Power Platform enhances food and beverage operational excellence. Identify impactful...
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Rohit Joshi
19 okt 2023
Governance: the missing but critical link in no-code/low-code development
Learn about focus areas when introducing low-code development within your company and how to...
19 okt 2023
The Power Platform strategy: Is it a must-have or a nice-to-have? A Q&A with Tobias Andersson
Common challenges companies face while starting to use the Power Platform and insights on how you...