With strong revenue growth, successful integration of iStone and launch of the services and solution portfolio the “9 Doors to Digital Leadership®” Columbus continued the progress in 2018.
Ballerup, 13 March 2019: With revenue growth of 54% (DKK 1.9bn) and EBITDA* growth of 22% Columbus delivered a strong 2018. The revenue growth was primarily driven by the iStone and HiGH Software acquisitions and by significant progress in sales of Columbus Software. The increase in EBITDA* is also driven by the mentioned acquisitions and the sale of Columbus Software.
The integration of Columbus’ largest acquisition so far, iStone, progresses as planned and iStone delivered strong results in 2018, where especially the business areas Customer Experience, Infor M3 and Columbus Care showed remarkable progress.
At the same time, Columbus launched a new and innovative solutions and services portfolio; the 9 Doors to Digital Leadership®, which means that Columbus can deliver end-to-end digital solutions that help the customer to maximise, transform and future-proof their business digitally.
”We are satisfied with the results for 2018 where we delivered growth in revenue and EBITDA while we realised a range of new initiatives as the 9 Doors to Digital Leadership® which will drive the continued growth in Columbus,” says CEO & President in Columbus, Thomas Honoré.
Innovation with the 9 Doors to Digital Leadership®
In today’s complex business and IT landscape, companies increasingly seek fewer, but more strategic business partners to assist in the strategic development of digitisation. Therefore, an end-to-end solution portfolio that addresses the customers’ entire demands ranging from analytics, customer experience solutions, application, and infrastructure management is essential for companies in order to reach their goals for a sustainable and growing business.
With the launch of the 9 Doors to Digital Leadership®, Columbus expands its deep ERP competence with a broader solution portfolio and can thus offer existing customers more innovative solutions and at the same time enter new markets. In 2018, Columbus especially delivered progress within Analytics & Business Insight, Customer Experience and Columbus Care (Application Management).
Expectations for 2019
Columbus’ primary goal is to deliver growth by selling solutions from the 9 Doors to Digital Leadership®. The Group will continue to have a strong focus on developing and selling ERP services while extending the portfolio with new solutions. The expectations for 2019 is revenue in the level of DKK 2bn and EBITDA in the level of DKK 240m.
The Company Announcement can be found here: http://ir.columbusglobal.com/
For further information, please contact
Communications Director
Tine Rasmussen
+45 29 69 06 77
*EBITDA before share-based payment.