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ROI of Product Information Management (PIM)

Both B2C and B2B customers are demanding more compelling, frictionless, and
personalized commerce experiences. To succeed in today’s high tech and highly
competitive markets, omnichannel is everything.

The questions to ask your organisation:

  • How long does it take us to prepare all the necessary product information?
  • How many different departments do we need to work with to compile text, images, or translations?
  • Do we know when we have the minimum level of information to launch?
  • Are we communicating consistent product stories across the buyer journey?

The secret of empowering your customers is by providing them with the product
information they need to do their research and with a PIM system, you will see efficiencies from
beginning to end.


A PIM solution automates the ingestion of data feeds from external sources,
such as ERP (enterprise resource planning) or a PLM (product lifecycle management), while teams work in parallel to enrich product content. This enables
your organisation to quickly publish new or updated information across all your channels
centrally, within minutes.

In the digital economy - you need to invest in technology solutions that enable you to meet buyer’s needs in any language, in any channel, quickly. Why?

"57% of the purchase decision is completed before a customer even calls a supplier.” CEB
“ 67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally." SiriusDecision


Get your tailored ROI result now:



  • Increase the number of selling days
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Launch new products faster
  • Reduce the rate of returns, fines, penalties or chargebacks
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  • Improve data quality and consistency
  • Establish a single source of truth for all product information
  • Create more compelling content
  • Offer an engaging customer experience
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PIM is at the heart of commerce. Centralising product information, improving business productivity, powering content syndication to shorten time to market. As such, demonstrating the ROI takes on more importance and involves more than just an increase in profit. ROI has two sides, so calculate your personal results now using the inRiver ROI PIM calculator.

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