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Moderna aktörer inom tillverkningsindustrin har idag en del utmaningar att hantera. Exempelvis att minska produktionstid- och kostnader och samtidigt leverera de högkvalitativa produkterna som deras kunder förväntar sig. Och inte nog med det, dagens digitala köpare har utvecklats på sätt som är omöjliga att ignorera. En unikt skräddarsydd, relevant och friktionslös köpupplevelse har blivit ett ”need to have” istället för” nice to have”.

På Columbus är tillverkningsindustrin hjärtat av vår verksamhet. Från ingenjörs- och verkstadsgolv till distribution och after-salestjänster kan vi hjälpa dig med att förbättra försörjningskedjan, effektivisera, minska omkostnader och överträffa kundens förväntningar.

Vi erbjuder tjänster inom: 

Processtillverkning  | Styckestillverkning/Discrete manufacturing

Låt oss hjälpa dig att förverkliga din verksamhets fulla potential. Nedan hittar du de områden vi arbetar inom.

360-degree manufacturing Customer journey Product design and engineering Data management and analytics Quality Connected factory Production efficiency Planning Enterprise asset management Sustainability


Customer journey

Create and deliver personalized experiences that consistently engage and delight your customers.

data-driven decisionsGain a deeper understanding of your customers, from the content they're looking for and the right time to reach out to their previous interactions with your company
customer insights to create personalized Create end-to-end customer journeys based on individual customer-triggered activities
data warehouse, and big data analyticsRun A/B and multivariant tests to optimize content for your customers and ensure marketing KPIs are aligned with business goals


Product design and engineering

We can help you streamline the cost of managing product data, minimize errors in production, reduce waste when making design changes and control the introduction of new products.

unified commerce strategyCentralize product data and ensure it’s accurate and available to users across your organization
customer journey - connecting both digital and physical touchpointsEnable your teams to request changes to products and use engineering change orders to assess and document the impact of proposed changes. Also, add workflows to manage the engineering change and process and release of new versions of a product
unified commerce strategyManage the visibility of product data across your business and control the availability of product versions at each stage of the supply chain


Data management and analytics

Transform your data into valuable insights to drive significant improvements across your operations, customer and employee relationships, and ensure profits.

automating supply chain activitiesAdopt a robust data and analytics strategy and steer your manufacturing organization towards a data-driven culture
predictive analysis through machine learningImprove data visibility to enable your leaders to make effective data-driven decisions
Helping you improve planning and availability across all channels.Build scalable, future-proof data platforms customized to address your present and future needs



Gain a consistent, efficient way to assess and record quality metrics in your operations to drive process and quality improvements.

collaborative supply chainAnalyze your productivity and efficiency through analytics, IoT and AI and use that knowledge to streamline your overall processes
customer expectations 24/7Drive continuous improvement across your products, processes and systems to accelerate growth
Efficiently maintaining optimal inventory levelsBenefit from higher quality products by introducing improved operational controls and quality assurance both during and after production, which also results in happier customers


Connected factory

Gain access to modern technologies that can centralize your processes and help form the basis for a smart, connected factory.

insights into your customers journeyUnlock real-time insight into data, helping you monitor machines and resolve any issues remotely
data to strengthen relationships and earn loyaltyUse additional insights into performance, usage and machine lifecycle stage to provide value-added services such as proactive support or ongoing monitoring
potential customers across all channelsEnsure 24-hour continuous uptime and minimize the chance of disruptions to production


Production efficiency

Streamline your production process to enable smoother production flow, increased speed to market and enhanced productivity.

customer insightsEffectively track and control physical inventory, unlocking insights on purchases, stock maintenance and order fulfillment
improving instore processes<Build agile manufacturing processes using AI, IoT and mixed reality and open doors for more improvements in the way you work
ship from locations closer to your customerUnify your data to make better informed decisions and create accurate schedules, forecasts and budgets



Connect your sales and operations plans so you can increase transparency across your organization, balance supply and demand and achieve profitability.

360-degree customer real-time insightsMake it easier to relay up-to-date information and take informed decisions about a product’s supply demand
loyalty with intelligent engagementGain an accurate view of exactly what volumes are in inventory, production or in transit, at any point in time
360-degree customer real-time insightsMake better decisions about products, provide accurate data on product performance and improved forecasting data. This also helps you remain flexible enough to adapt to ever-changing demand


Enterprise asset management

Gather the right data so you can boost production from your assets, cut costs and improve your bottom line.

orchestration across your supply chainGain a detailed view of how your assets are performing and when the best time is to perform maintenance so they can keep running at full capacity for as long as possible
automating your entire supply chainAutomate error prone and time consuming tasks to streamline your maintenance processes
automating your entire supply chainCentralize all your critical data into one place and enable your employees to access it instantly from any location



With sustainability top of mind in the manufacturing industry, we can help support your organization’s sustainability efforts.

orchestration across your supply chainEffectively manage inventories and expiry dates through tracking and automation to eliminate the chances of human error and ensure you get the most out of your stock
automating your entire supply chainIntegrate all your operations to better evaluate sales history and create reliable forecasts, helping you plan purchasing accurately and minimize waste through unsold products
automating your entire supply chainGain full visibility into your raw materials, enabling you to find and fix inefficiencies in ingredient management and sales forecasting
automating your entire supply chainOptimize resources in the supply chain to lower idle time and transport capacity
automating your entire supply chainRegister and analyze resource consumption to target improvement efforts efficiently

Det rådande läget för Customer Experience inom tillverkningsindustrin

I ett samarbete med Copperberg har vi skapat en ny branschrapport, baserad på en undersökning med över 100 professionella aktörer inom tillverkningsindustrin. I rapporten får du reda på:

  • Vilka är de organisatoriska utmaningarna som hindrar tillverkarnas framsteg när det gäller att nå sina CX-mål? 
  • Vilka är de viktigaste drivkrafterna för en CX-transformation? 
  • Hur ser framtiden ut för dem som sätter CXE i centrum för sin affärsstrategi?
Download the Report

Columbus - en pålitlig partner i livsmedelsindustrin

Branschkunskapen och den sammanlagda kompetensen hos våra vassa experter gör det möjligt för oss att stötta er i hela utbudet av affärskritiska tjänster och lösningar inom tillverkningsindustrin, anpassade efter dina behov. Från möjliggörande av ny teknik som driver effektivitet till att ge råd om rätt processer som driver ditt företags tillväxt, är vi med dig på din digitala transformationsresa. Vi följer dig i varje steg för att säkerställa en smidig övergång för dina anställda, och hjälper dig att maximera din värdekedja och tillväxt över tid.

djupgående bransch- och techerfarenhet
inklusive skickliga livsmedelsexperter
vår täckning med globala resurser
företag och stora, globala SMB
mångfaldig vinnare av "årets partner"
Pernilla Janlert

Pernilla Janlert

Head of Sales M3 Sweden

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