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Columbus is honored by Microsoft for achieving outstanding sales achievement and innovation

Copenhagen, Denmark– July 23, 2019 — Columbus, the global digital business services provider, has achieved the prestigious 2019/2020 Inner Circle for Microsoft Business Applications. Membership in this elite group is based on sales achievements that rank Columbus in the top echelon of the Microsoft’s Business Applications global network of partners. Inner Circle members have performed to a high standard of excellence by delivering valuable solutions that help organizations achieve increased success.

2019/2020 Inner Circle members are invited to the Inner Circle Summit, taking place October 1-4, 2019, where they will have a unique opportunity to share strategy and network with Microsoft senior leaders and fellow partners.

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This recognition of Inner Circle for Microsoft Business Applications came during Microsoft Inspire, the annual premier partner event, which took place July 14-18, 2019, in Las Vegas, NV. Microsoft Inspire provides the Microsoft partner community with the opportunity to learn about the company’s road map for the upcoming year, establish connections, share best practices, experience the latest product innovations and learn new skills.

“Each year we recognize Microsoft Business Applications partners from around the world for delivering innovation and driving unsurpassed customer success,” said Cecilia Flombaum, Microsoft Business Applications Lead. “Our Inner Circle members are chosen based on their business performance as well as capabilities as an organization, whether that’s creating IP, developing solutions, or having an industry leading focus on digital transformation. Microsoft is honored to recognize Columbus for their achievements this past year, their dedication to our customers, and their innovation around the Microsoft Cloud.”

As a Microsoft partner, Columbus maintains and builds strong expertise of the Microsoft platform which enables the company to develop cutting-edge solutions that provide real value to its customers. Columbus has received numerous awards and accolades from Microsoft, including; membership of the 2018/2019 Inner Circle for Microsoft Business Applications, 2016 Microsoft Global ERP Partner of the Year Award, being named to the Microsoft Dynamics President's Club and a number of prestigious Inner Circle achievements.

Thomas Honoré, CEO and President, Columbus 

"Our partnership with Microsoft supports us to continue to deliver innovative solutions that help our customers to thrive and grow in their highly competitive markets, across the world. We are proud to again be a member of the prestigious Inner Circle, as we have been for 14 years, recognizing the most effective and successful Microsoft Dynamics partners globally."

“The Columbus teams across the globe are dedicated to delivering digital business applications that help our customers to transform from the way they work today to ensure they remain competitive in the changing world.

About Columbus

Columbus is an international IT services company serving customers worldwide. We are experts in developing and providing digital business applications that help our customers in the digital transformation of their business. We are specialist within the industries retail, distribution, food and manufacturing. We've proved this through 30 years of experience with more than 8,000 successful business cases. Columbus has offices and partners all around the world.



For Additional Information Contact:

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Communications Director
Tine Rasmussen
+45 29 69 06 77

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