Jul 12, 2022
Navigating the complex intersection of business, processes and technology
How can you navigate the complexities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 as you switch into the cloud? We...
Jun 28, 2022
Save money on unnecessary licences
Many companies can save a fortune on unnecessary Dynamics 365 licences. What are the steps you can...
Jun 13, 2022
Remember to monitor and maintain your solution - even when your ERP is in the cloud
Remember to monitor and maintain your solution after go-live to mitigate small errors that can lead...
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May 31, 2022
That means test, test and test again
Automated testing of Microsoft Dynamics 365 makes it easier than ever to ensure the quality of your...
May 17, 2022
How to avoid issues when updating Dynamics 365
Regular updating of Dynamics 365 provides many benefits and avoids larger issues further down the...
May 5, 2022
How to avoid dropping the ball when the project goes into operation
When implementing your IT project, don't overlook how crucial the transition from planning to...