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Digital Commerce English
Flying Tiger Copenhagen: How customer insights boosted revenue growth
Data & AI English
How DAFA Group benefits from new BI solution
Customer Experience & Engagement English
Contura ignites customer support with Microsoft Dynamics CE
Tooled-Up: Utilising Microsoft Power Platform to improve operational efficiency
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
New ERP system strengthens Devold of Norway´s global growth ambitions
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Norwegian
Nytt ERP-system understøtter Devold of Norways globale vekstplaner
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Södra migrerar affärssystemet till molnet för en hållbar framtid
Compliance & Business Continuity Swedish
Hanssons ökar produktsäkerhet med digitalt verksamhetssystem
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 English
Vedum ready for 100 more years of success with M3 Cloud
Digital Commerce English
Charterhouse Holdings: A seamless integration of innovation and expertise with Columbus, Optimizely and Microsoft
Digital Commerce English
Swecon's new e-commerce enhances customer experience and boosts sales
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Digital transformation at B&O will simultaneously optimize innovation, internal processes, security and customer experience
Strategy & Change English
Preparing Watson-Marlow for transformation
Customer Experience & Engagement English
Watson-Marlow aligns CRM implementation project with strategy
Cybersecurity English
The role of IAM in Nuuday’s digital transformation
Cybersecurity Danish
IAMs vigtige rolle i Nuudays digitale transformation
Strategy & Change English
Video | Preparing Watson-Marlow for transformation
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
B&O’s digitale transformation skal styrke innovation og kundeoplevelse på samme tid
Digital Commerce Norwegian
E.A. Smith & Columbus develop the future of e-commerce
Customer Experience & Engagement English
Video | Watson-Marlow aligns CRM implementation project with strategy
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 English
Sandvik Mobiles elevates efficiency and simplifies operations with Infor CloudSuite
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 English
Smaken av Grimstad: We have to get to the cloud before the harvest!
Digital Commerce English
Preparing Cambridge University Press & Assessment for e-commerce success
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Norwegian
Smaken av Grimstad fikk gjennomført skyløftet på 8 uker
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Groward Group
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Coop Pank
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Finkus & Co.
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 English
Jernia focuses on long-term development in the cloud
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Norwegian
Jernia satser på langsiktig utvikling i skyen
Digital Commerce Norwegian
Columbus and Commercetools digs Normet out of the "no B2B eCommerce" hole
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Vestjyllands Andel sætter fokus på digitalisering og automatisering
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
VMG Technics
Digital Commerce English
Columbus and Commercetools digs Normet out of the "no B2B eCommerce" hole
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Swedish
Columbus utbildnings- och testpaket hjälpte Lantmännen i övergången till molnet
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 English
The Columbus education and testing package helped Lantmännen in the transition to the cloud.
Digital Commerce English
Helping Toolstream deliver outstanding customer service and experience with a scalable e-commerce platform
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 English
Norsk Kylling: on the way to the world's best food value chain
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Pienas LT
Data & AI Lithuanian
Baltic Larus
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Baltic Agro
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Compliance & Business Continuity Lithuanian
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Georgian Leasing Company
Data & AI Lithuanian
Pienas LT
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Standard AS
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
LHV Finance
Data & AI Lithuanian
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Compliance & Business Continuity Lithuanian
Šiaulių bankas
Data & AI Lithuanian
Rokiškio sūris
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
AMS | Microsoft Lithuanian
Fjord Bank
Data & AI Lithuanian
Data & AI Lithuanian
Universalios valdymo sistemos
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Lithuanian
Orkla Care
AMS | Microsoft Lithuanian
AMS | Microsoft Lithuanian
Šiaulių Bankas
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 English
How Columbus created an Infor M3 training concept for Kanthal
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Norwegian
På vei mot verdens beste næringsmiddelverdikjede
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Norwegian
TOPRO fullfører skyløftet med Infor M3 CloudSuite – Medius Connector
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Norwegian
Hyperion lanserer et nytt ERP IT-landskap globalt i strategisk samarbeid med Columbus
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Swedish
Hyperion sjösätter ett nytt ERP IT-landskap globalt i strategiskt samarbete med Columbus
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Columbus streamlines and optimises its resources through the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 English
nVent improves customer experience by dramatically enhancing velocity with Infor M3 CloudSuite
Customer Experience & Engagement English
Delivering Advanced CRM Solution to Schibsted Denmark in Record Time
Customer Experience & Engagement Norwegian
Leverte avansert CRM-løsning på rekordtid til Schibsted Danmark
AMS | Microsoft English
Providing expert application support for AB Produce
Compliance & Business Continuity English
How Columbus helped IP-Only to transform using Scrive and M-Files
Compliance & Business Continuity English
INFICON ready for success with Columbus by their side
Compliance & Business Continuity English
Victaulic automates accounts payable with Medius and Infor M3 Cloud
Compliance & Business Continuity English
TOPRO completes cloud journey with the Infor M3 – Medius connector
AMS | Microsoft English
Corney & Barrow reap the rewards from application management
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Schibsted is streamlining the financial operations for their subsidiaries with Columbus as a partner
Digital Commerce English
How Toyota Material Handling Europe improved customer service and experience through their e-commerce strategy
Strategy & Change Swedish
engcon valde Columbus för att förbereda sig inför en implemention av ett nytt affärssystem
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Jackson's Bakery scale up new levels with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management
Strategy & Change English
How engcon prepared for change with Columbus as their digital transformation partner
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Columbus delivered a rapid rollout of Dynamics 365 to Danish Agro
AMS | Microsoft Danish
Holger Christiansen A/S styrker stabilitet og tilgængelighed gennem proaktiv overvågning
Digital Commerce English
E.A. Smith & Columbus develop the future of e-commerce
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Wachstum stellt Anforderungen an optimierte Prozesse bei KraftPowercon
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Elektroskandia setzt die Digitalisierung mit Columbus und einem neuen ERP-System fort
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Tretorn - Mehr Umsatz durch mobile Bestandsverwaltung
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
agta record sieht Lagererfolg mit Novacura Flow
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Norsk Kylling entwickelt die weltweit beste Lebensmittel-Wertschöpfungskette mit Columbus und Infor CloudSuite
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Die Aufrüstung von Infor M3 ist eine von vielen erfolgreichen Kooperationen zwischen Flokk und Columbus
AMS | Infor M3 German
Mowi - auf dem Weg zu einer integrierten Cloud-Lösung!
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Elkem mit Columbus digitalisieren
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
M-Files erzeugte Synergieeffekte für die Comfort-Kette
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Einfacheres Qualitätsmanagement bei Lesjöfors mit M-Files
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Umfangreiches Upgrade für ein zukunftssicheren Geschäftssystems von GCE
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Heute ermöglicht das System Tretorn große Flexibilität und ein problemloses Wachstum in viele Richtungen und digitale Lösungen
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Erfolgreiches Upgrade von M3 bei SMA Mineral - trotz Zeitknappheit
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Das erfolgreiche Upgrade von Infor M3 verbesserte die Leistung des Supply-Chain-Prozesses für SMD Logistics
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Benutzerbedürfnisse kamen zuerst, mit Trelleborgs Infor M3 Upgrade
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
M3 bietet Effizienz für Logitrans
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Erfolgreiches Upgrade für die expandierende Einzelhandelskette Jula
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Erfolgreicher Rollout von Infor M3 für Höganäs: 12 Länder in 24 Stunden
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Nudie Jeans wächst international mit einem flexiblen System und Fair Trade
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
24/7 Support in 30 Ländern für Toyota Material Handling
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 German
Globales ERP-System für globales Wachstum von Brooks
Compliance & Business Continuity Swedish
INFICON är redo för en framgångssaga med Columbus vid sin sida
Compliance & Business Continuity Swedish
Så hjälpte vi IP-Only att omvandla krångel med papperskontrakt till säkerhet, effektivitet och lönsamhet
Customer Experience & Engagement Norwegian
Skydda fikk et levende CRM-system og økte kundemassen med 10 prosent
Data & AI English
BSES Yamuna Power Limited - Efficient Management of Renewable Energy
Digital Commerce Swedish
E.A. Smith & Columbus utvecklar framtidens ehandel
Customer Experience & Engagement English
Helping Howard De Walden successfully implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Ökad försäljning med en mer mobil lagerhantering!
Strategy & Change English
Weetabix & Columbus: a Partnership for success
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Vestjyllands Andels nye ERP-system Microsoft D365FO
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Vestjyllands Andels new ERP-system Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Finance
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Vestjyllands Andel tanker og tilgang til IT
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Utrullning av M3 i 12 länder på 24 timmar för Höganäs
Digital Commerce Norwegian
Utfordreren Lumier satser på å gi de beste handleopplevelsene
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Uppgraderingsprojekt för HKScan klarade budgeten med råge
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Uppgradering av M3 hos SMA Mineral - trots tidsbrist
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Uppgradering av M3 ett av många lyckade samarbeten mellan Flokk och Columbus
Cloud & Infrastructure Services English
United Oilseeds merges managed services
Compliance & Business Continuity Swedish
Tar tillbaka kontrollen över leverantörsskulderna
Digital Commerce Norwegian
How Toyota Material Handling Europe improved customer service and experience through their e-commerce strategy
AMS | Microsoft Swedish
Support dygnet runt och ett väloljat ERP-maskineri i 30 länder för Toyota Material Handling
AMS | Microsoft English
Support 24/7 in 30 countries for Toyota Material Handling
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 English
Successful upgrade for expanding retail-chain Jula
Strategy & Change Swedish
Strategisk rådgivning avgörande för Vidinge Grönt
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Stor tillväxt ställde krav på effektiviserade processer
AMS | Microsoft English
Stable and strategic management of Dynamics 365 F&O for NCC Industry’s transformation
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Stabil och strategisk förvaltning av Dynamics 365 F&O för NCC Industry!
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Shepherds Friendly
AMS | Microsoft Danish
Semler IT fortæller om deres Microsoft Dynamics 365 Application Management Services aftale
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Semler Gruppen: agility on the digitalization journey with the help of Columbus
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Semler Gruppen optimerer Dynamics-roller og minimerer risiko med Security & Compliance Studio
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Semler Gruppen fortæller om deres valg af Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
SDC framtidssäkrar med Microsoft Dynamics AX
Data & AI English
Retailer Cuts Reorder Process by At-least Half, Significantly Improving Efficiencies
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Randers Tegl rykker hurtigt mobile funktioner helt ud i frontlinjen med Microsoft PowerApps
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Randers Tegl is rapidly moving mobile functions to the forefront with Microsoft PowerApps
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Pågens affärssystem – specialanpassat för Food, Beverage & Processsbranschen
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Progress Rail: purchase orders are now done in just 24 hours when earlier, it used to take weeks
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Premier airport retailer, food and beverage operator selects Columbus as ‘Technology Partner of Choice’ for migration
Compliance & Business Continuity Swedish
Plan International upptäckte M-Files och slutade leta dokument
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Pilgrim starter ambitiøs vækstrejse med ny digital platform
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Helping Origin Enterprises deliver growth through agronomy and innovation
Customer Experience & Engagement English
Orangebox automates their business & field service operations to deliver better customer service
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Omfattande uppgradering framtidssäkrade GCE:s affärssystem
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Nyckeln till ett lyckat affärssystemprojekt för Wallenstam
Digital Commerce Danish
Ny e-handelsløsning lanceret på rekordtid
Digital Commerce Swedish
Ny e-handel sjösatt på rekordtid
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Norwegian
Nudie Jeans er klar for global ekspansjon
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Norwegian
Norsk Kylling utvikler verdens beste næringsmiddelverdikjede og Columbus gir stålkontroll med Infor CloudSuite
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Swedish
Norsk Kylling utvecklar världens bästa värdekedja för livsmedel
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Natures Way Foods
AMS | Microsoft Swedish
Mowi – mot en integrerad cloudlösning!
Compliance & Business Continuity Swedish
M-Files gav synergieffekter för Comfort-kedjan
Data & AI Danish
Med BI har Thortrans fået ny, detaljeret indsigt i forretningen
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Matas vil vinde den digitale retailførertrøje
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Matas gets to know customers better with Dynamics 365, cloud-based DataHub & ML
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Mark Nissen, Head of Financial Governance, Risk & Compliance hos Semler Gruppen, fortæller om deres visioner for digitalisering.
Data & AI English
Manufacturer Reduces Quality Control Response Time for Corrections from 6-8 Weeks to 2-4 Days
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
M3 skapar effektivitet på Logitrans
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Løvenskiold-Vækerø: implemented new processes, engaged employees in process-modeling & onboarded people
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Lyckad uppgradering ger hög prestanda genom hela orderflödet för SMD Logistics
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Helping LuckyVitamin develop the best-in-class customer experience
Data & AI Danish
Logitrans får fleksibelt forretningsoverblik på tværs af organisationen
Digital Commerce Danish
Lindex innovative arbejde med PIM
Data & AI Swedish
Lindex innovativa arbete med PIM
Customer Experience & Engagement English
Learn how we transformed business operations and elevated customer satisfaction for Greg Rowe with Microsoft Dynamics
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Learn how a leading brewer infuses craft beer with big character using Columbus
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Kyndig rådgivning sikrer Schur en god start på digitaliseringsrejsen
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Industrikoncern sparer tid og licens med Columbus-værktøj
Data & AI Danish
Haarslev Industries A/S kan levere større projekter med ny BI-løsning
Data & AI English
Haarslev Industries A/S is now able to deliver larger projects with new BI solution
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Hør hvad Løvenskiold-Vækerø fik ud af Columbus' Business Process Modelling tool (RapidValue)
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Meggitt: Højteknologisk virksomhed optimerer kerneprocesser med pakkeløsning
Customer Experience & Engagement English
How we transformed business operations and elevated customer satisfaction for Greg Rowe with Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
How EMR is optimising their business productivity with Columbus
Data & AI English
How a manufacturing company started their Data Journey with Dynamics 365
Digital Commerce Swedish
Home & Cottage tar ledningen i Norge med Litium som e-handelsplattform
Digital Commerce Danish
Home & Cottage tager føringen i Norge med Litium som e-handelsplatform
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Healthcare nonprofit delivers more value from technology while streamlining IT operations
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Health Enterprises migrates from Dynamics GP to Business Central with Columbus
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Greg Rowe: transformation of business operations & elevated customer satisfaction with Dynamics 365
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Danish
Gnidningsfri implementering af Infor M3 hos Migatronic
AMS | Microsoft English
Gateway Foundation improves uptime and resolves critical application issues by leveraging ColumbusCare
Compliance & Business Continuity Swedish
Från pärmar till M-Files på Rototilt
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Swedish
Framgångsrik uppgradering för växande detaljhandelskedjan Jula
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Norwegian
Vekstkjeden Jula oppgraderte på tid og budsjett
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Framgångsfaktorer från en snabb implementering hos Scandbio
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
Fleksibilitet, hurtig hjælp og særlig kompetence sikrer korrekt løn hos Air Greenland
Digital Commerce Danish
Fagerhult frigør værdifulde ressourcer og forbedrer kundeoplevelsen med PIM
Digital Commerce Swedish
Fagerhult frigör värdefulla resurser och ökar kundupplevelsen med PIM
Customer Experience & Engagement Swedish
Ett trimmat Dynamics CRM hjälper Mackmyra att hålla reda på faten
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Enklare kvalitetsstyrning på Lesjöfors med M-Files
AMS | Microsoft Danish
En stabil og strategisk AMS til NCC Industrys transformation
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
EMR is optimising their business productivity with Columbus
Digital Commerce English
Discover how we upgraded legacy ERP systems and integrated with CRM and eCommerce for a leading garment manufacturer
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Norwegian
Digitalizing Elkem with Columbus
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Digitalisera Elkem med Columbus
Digital Commerce Danish
Digitale kundemøder vækstmotor for Kronans Apotek
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
CymSTAR: The Columbus team were able to deliver our solution two weeks ahead of schedule and more than 15 percent under budget
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Cryptocurrency start-up Paxful streamlines its operations with Dynamics 365 Business Central
Digital Commerce Swedish
Columbus levererar en plattform för The Green Deal som hjälper e-handlare och klimatet
Data & AI English
Cleaning Products Manufacturer Leverages Data to Meet Shifts in Market and Seasonal Demand
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
C-Kore Systems Ltd: From siloed finance and sales to one integrated solution
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Charterhouse Holdings: Driving efficiency with eCommerce and Microsoft Dynamics 365
Digital Commerce English
Charterhouse Holdings: Driving efficiency with eCommerce and Microsoft Dynamics 365
Customer Experience & Engagement English
Carter Jonas leverages the benefits of the cloud thanks to a CRM upgrade
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Camgrain innovates with Microsoft Dynamics and Columbus
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Brooks uppgraderar till global plattform för att kunna dubbla sin omsättning
Data & AI Danish
Broen får større værdi af deres BI-løsninger efter samarbejde med Columbus
Data & AI Danish
BROEN fik velfungerende forretningsindsigt og en optimeret BI løsning
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Danish
BMS Group anvender udlejningsløsning til at skabe vækst synergier, forbedre mobiliteten og opnå fordele ved realtidsopdateringer og en hurtigere inddrivelse af tilgodehavender
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Norwegian
Bedre tilgjengelighet og samhandling med Dynamics 365 for A Bygg
Strategy & Change English
Barrus embarks on a digitalisation journey with Columbus
Cloud ERP | Infor M3 Swedish
Användarnas behov fick styra när Trelleborg uppgraderade M3
Cloud ERP | Microsoft Swedish
Anrika Elfa bytte miljö i samband med uppgradering
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Amy’s Kitchen: Modern supply chain efficiency with Columbus and Microsoft Dynamics 365
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Alzheimer’s Research UK
Customer Experience & Engagement English
Ainscough: Improving business efficiency through end to end visibility with Microsoft Dynamics 365
Digital Commerce Norwegian
Ahoy.no utvikler markeder og sesonger
AMS | Microsoft English
Adventure Ready Brands partners with Columbus for Application Management Services
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Advantage Smollan
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
Abcodia streamlines business processes and enhance their ability to run early detection tests
Cloud ERP | Microsoft English
A Bygg: accessibility and better collaboration with Dynamics 365