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What is experience-led commerce?

In today's evolving retail landscape, experience-led e-commerce has emerged as a beacon, illuminating the path forward for both B2C and B2B retailers. This is mesmerizing strategic approach that prioritizes the customer's journey, ensuring that each touchpoint – from discovery to purchase – is enriched with personalized high-quality content and interactive elements. 

The overall strategy is driven by the recognition that customer experience is a key differentiator in today's competitive business environment, and it often leverages technology and data to understand and meet customer needs.​ Thus, experience-led commerce approaches are designed to build deeper relationships with customers by focusing on their needs, preferences, and experiences. This is in contrast to more traditional commerce strategies, which tend to focus more on the product or service itself.​

The call for immersive shopping experiences

In recent years, the landscape of consumer expectations has undergone a significant transformation. With the proliferation of digital technologies, customers now seek more than just products or services; they yearn for a holistic, immersive shopping experience.

This shift is propelled by a desire for convenience, personalization, and seamless interactions. Today's customers expect businesses to understand their individual needs, provide interactive and engaging touchpoints, and offer a consistent experience across all channels.

As a result, the traditional transactional approach has given way to experience-led commerce, where the focus is squarely on creating memorable and meaningful storytelling encounters that resonate with customers on a deeper level.

"In this dynamic environment, businesses must embrace this evolution and leverage technology and data to meet and exceed these heightened expectations, ultimately forging lasting connections with their audience."


Dan Andersson
Head of Strategy and Service Deveelopment
Digital Commerce


Why invest in experience-led commerce?

Enhanced customer loyalty & retention

  • Cultivates deeper connections with customers by providing tailored, memorable interactions.
  • Satisfied and engaged customers are more likely to return, leading to increased customer loyalty and higher retention rates.
  • Long-term relationships with customers translate into higher lifetime value and a stable revenue stream.

Increased conversion rates & sales

  • Immersive experiences lead to higher conversion rates as customers are more likely to make a purchase when they feel engaged and valued.
  • Providing a seamless, convenient shopping journey reduces friction in the buying process, resulting in higher transaction rates.
  • By prioritizing customer experience, companies can drive more sales and ultimately boost their bottom line.

Competitive advantage in the market

  • Sets businesses apart in a crowded market by offering something beyond just products or services.
  • Companies that excel in providing exceptional experiences gain a reputation for quality and customer-centricity.
  • Standout customer experiences become a powerful differentiator, helping companies thrive in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

"Businesses that prioritize experience-led commerce see, on average, a 20% increase in customer satisfaction, leading to a 15% rise in customer loyalty and a notable 10% boost in revenue."

Optimize your customer satisfaction


Still wondering how you can bring more customer centricity in your business? Are you experiencing difficulties creating a great digital buying experience for your customers?

Discover the future of seamless omnichannel experiences and testing methodologies in our webinar series. Learn how to engage customers at every touchpoint and enhance customer satisfaction through rigorous testing methodologies. Gain valuable insights from our experts who have mastered the art of experimentation and begin to elevate your digital presence by making data work for you.

Defining experience-led commerce

Traditional e-commerce systems lay emphasis on product-centricity, but the winds of change favor a shift towards customer-centricity. Experience-led e-commerce is this shift. It weaves in personalized content, interactive elements, and ensures a smooth and holistic journey from product discovery to purchase. In this model, consumers aren't mere transactional entities but are participants in an ongoing brand narrative. 

 An exceptional experience manifests when a company exhibits a profound commitment to customer satisfaction, valuing their needs, opinions, and overall engagement with the brand. It’s about making customers feel seen, heard, and valued throughout their journey with your brand. 

Here are some key elements that build a good customer experience:

check-304167_1280Responsiveness and assistance: How promptly and eagerly does your team respond to customer queries or issues?
check-304167_1280 Product presentation: How effectively do you showcase and communicate the benefits and features of your products or services? check-304167_1280 Delivery and shipping: How versatile, reliable, and convenient are your shipping options? 
check-304167_1280 In-store experience: Attention to details, e.g. the quality of shopping bags enhances the overall customer shopping experience.
check-304167_1280 Payment flexibility: Offering multiple, secure, and hassle-free payment options enhances the convenience for customers.
check-304167_1280 Return policies: Clear, fair, and customer-friendly return policies enhance customer trust and satisfaction.
check-304167_1280 Customer knowledge: How well-acquainted are you with your customers' preferences, histories, and needs?
check-304167_1280 Segmentation & personalization: Tailored communication based on customer segments enhances relevance and engagement.
check-304167_1280 Post-purchase appreciation: Demonstrating gratitude and appreciation after a customer makes a purchase fosters loyalty. 

EE 16 Specialists

Remember, a truly remarkable experience is about showing customers that you genuinely value their engagement, and appreciate their loyalty to your brand. 

Create a more holistic approach by focusing on the customer journey

The modern consumer expects brands to understand their unique needs and preferences. Central to delivering this is a sophisticated personalization engine powered by a Customer Data Platform (CDP).

Brands need to ensure a consistent and cohesive message mix and experience across all media touchpoints and channels, making the consumer's transition from one channel to another seamless.

By mapping out the customer's journey, brands can identify and optimize every interaction point. This process enables brands to create more targeted and effective engagement strategies.

Advanced analytics, customer insights, and A/B testing tools allow brands to continuously refine their strategies, ensuring they meet evolving customer needs and preferences effectively.

Whether it's through product reviews, social media comments, or direct interactions via customer portals or service platforms, these touchpoints provide valuable feedback and foster a deeper brand connection.

A robust Content Management System (CMS) ensures that brands consistently update their platforms with engaging content that resonates with their audience. Coupled with a strong storytelling approach, this content builds a deeper emotional connection with consumers.
Dan Andersson

Dan Andersson

Head of Strategy and Service development, Digital Commerce

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