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Agile vs waterfall: Which implementation approach is the best?

Agile vs waterfall is a popular debate when it comes to CRM implementations. Here's our side by...

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6 ways the right field service solution can benefit your business to strive

The quality of your field service matters for your overall customer service and experience. Here...

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Why customer experience matters in today’s digitally-empowered society

Customer experience matters because it can make or break customer retention & loyalty. In today’s...

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Canvas app vs model-driven app: Differences, benefits and more

The canvas and model-driven apps are two main types of apps Power users can build. Which is better?...

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Why should I test – and test again?

Not everything was better in the old days. This is particularly true of software. Today’s solutions...

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Mandatory updates are the end of obsolete Microsoft Dynamics systems

Often, when it comes to updating our software platforms, we procrastinate. You probably know what...

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Create the right conditions for success with a business platform

In this blog, Columbus explains how to implement challenging ERP business systems and achieve the...

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