In this blog post I describe how to get your item names in the language connected to the user when using custom lists in Infor M3.
In one of my previous blog posts I described how to build your own list program using the custom list functionality in CMS010. My example was my own version of the manufacturing order program PMS100, click here to read about it again.
Since PMS100 is based on the table MWOHED, the most natural field to add to the view for product number is of course VHPRNO. The item name is taken from the item master, MITMAS, field MMITDS.
But what if the users want to see the item name in their own language? Of course a translation must be available in the item name/language program (MMS030), and you also need to configure MNS150 to show item name in the language of the user – but there is one more trick to make it show in your custom list.
You have to add the field MMITNO (item number from the item master MITMAS) to the view. If MMITNO isn´t available in the view, the custom list won´t check for translations of the item name. Putting the item/product number field from other tables in the view is not doing the trick, you have to add MMITNO. But once that is done, you will see the name in the correct language, just like you do in for example item/warehouse MMS002 😊
This is my first blog post 2019, but it will not be my last, I promise! Stay tuned, and don't forget to read my previous blogposts and subscribe to the M3 Usability blog. 🙌🏻