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You know it, we know it. Everyone knows it. There is a huge skills gap within the IT industry and we will soon be facing a large number of retirements. But what can we do about it? Well, say hello to Christoffer! He is a part of the next generation of IT consultants and is now seven months into Columbus M3 Accelerator program. 

We have picked his brain to get his thoughts on the benefits of a graduate program and how we can fill the skills gap – but also what surprised him about Columbus and M3. Let's find out!

1615290090637Where it started

Christoffer studied Supply Chain & Logistics, and a course within ERP sparked his interest in how you can combine the two areas. He found a job ad for Columbus Accelerator Program, applied, and joined the program in September 2022. 

Why did you apply for a Graduate Program?

"I chose to apply because it gives me as a recent graduate the opportunity to learn about the industry and the company I work in. It gives me the skills necessary to start my career. So far, I have developed my skills and built up my resume with various certifications which makes me more attractive to Columbus customers. Through this program, I have gained a structured learning experience that has expanded my expertise."

➡ Read also: The Accelerator Stories - Part One

What are the benefits of an Accelerator Program?

"One thing is networking, during the program we have worked closely with colleagues from both Sweden and Denmark. This has given me great opportunities to build a network outside Norway. Another advantage is that we go through a lot of fictional customer cases – which has been very useful for me when I have worked on real projects afterwards. Third thing is that all trainees start at the same level  which makes it easier for us to collaborate and find solutions together. In addition, everyone is motivated to perform their tasks excellently."


Photo: Accelerators Columbus M3 in Norway

What are your thoughts on the skills gap in the IT industry?

"The IT industry is one of the most dynamic and fast-growing industries in the world, and the demand for qualified IT talent is constantly increasing. I think Columbus has found a good solution to the skills shortage in the IT industry. They offer training and certifications to help us develop our expertise and specialize in various fields of IT. This helps us thrive in what we do and can contribute to the company's success."

➡ Read also: The Accelerator Stories Part Two - The first customer meeting

Has anything surprised you about Columbus and M3?

"I was surprised by how many large and well-known companies actually use Infor M3, which I didn't know about before. To have the opportunity to work with such a large and established system is something I’m proud of."

"And what surprised me about Columbus was that all my colleagues are willing to help me become the best consultant I can be. No question is stupid to ask, and my colleagues help me in the best possible way, even if they don't always have the answers themselves, we work together to find the solution together."

Christoffer's tips on how to stay curious at Columbus:

  • Columbus Academy – we have access to several courses, e.g. Change Management, Presentation techniques, Facility Management
  • Infor Academy – news and updates about Infor M3
  • Be active on LinkedIn – get news on various topics 
  • Internal competency groups within ERP  – we share updates and learnings.

As a business, you need to take responsibility for your competence provision by educating and training your employees. As a graduate or job seeker, maybe your background and experience are relevant for jobs within IT? Just like Christoffer, that have a Bachelor within Supply Chain and Logistics, and is now using his competence to digitalize these processes. Tip! Look for Graduate or Accelerator programs – it's the perfect onboarding into a career in IT. 

Are you curious to know more about Columbus Accelerator Programs or being a consultant at Columbus in general? 

Check out our Global Career Page to learn more, and which countries offer Accelerator Programs. 

Take me to the Career Site

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