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Properly communicating a strategic business change can be difficult and daunting as often your message is lost when it filters down to those who actually carry out the strategy and your team may not understand or feel passionate about the changes.

And if they’re not on board with the plan, achieving smooth, outstanding eCommerce delivery can be tricky. Yet, getting your team's buy-in is a key factor for success in eCommerce. Here are three fool-proof ways to ensure you convey your vision to your team effectively.

  1. Excite your team
  2. Attract your team
  3. Envision together

If you're a big fan of watching videos, check out our video interview with Episerver on this topic. Or, why not watch and read at the same time?


1. Excite your team

Getting your team excited is key if you want them to buy your idea. But it's not enough for just you to be enthusiastic.

When explaining your vision for eCommerce delivery to your team, start with the why. Why this particular vision for delivery? You want the team to emotionally connect with your idea, and by giving them the why, they can better relate to your strategy.

How to get teams buy-in

2. Attract your team

Show rather than tell your team how you plan to achieve your goal. A good way to do this is to use a case study of another company’s successful eCommerce delivery. This will help your team to see where you’re leading them and help to build trust between you and them.

Once trust is established, your team’s ability to buy-in will increase as they begin to believe your strategy.

3. Envision together

Hopefully, by now, your team will resonate with your plan, and it’s important that you cooperate with them and continue giving them support. Just because they've now bought into your plan doesn’t mean they can’t change their minds in the future, so it's important to keep engaging with them.

Allow time for their queries and be responsive to their perspectives and opinions. Initiate dialogue and ask questions such as:

  • Who benefits from the achievement of our vision?
  • How are we going to work together to deliver quality eCommerce?
  • What steps are we going to take as a team to maintain this quality?

By exciting your team, you will be able to attract them to the vision and help them envision themselves as integral roles which will allow you to successfully deliver eCommerce together. Through a concise execution of your idea, you’ll be able to create enthusiasm instantly; excitement will not be lost in the transferal of your idea.

team buy-in tips

Great eCommerce delivery is just one step to improving customer sales…      

There's a lot more to delivering eCommerce than just getting buy-in from your team. When you have a good commerce strategy in place, you can create better trust with your buyer personas, in turn encouraging them to purchase from you.

Revamping your team’s buy-in is just one step towards increasing your eCommerce sales volume. Discover some other steps in our full-length video interview.

Watch the video


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